qichao: flying jesus laser face with patriotic impending doom...
qichao: "the ministry of information"
qichao: dublin alley
qichao: no trespassing: sand 1, building 0
qichao: my father trespasses
qichao: parking garage (or the dystopian fortress)
qichao: heuston station, dublin
qichao: hurricanes piled the sand so high it rendered the fence non-functional
qichao: soviet radio tower
qichao: eagle holding osama's head
qichao: barcelona squat
qichao: barcelona stencil art, july 2002
qichao: resistence is not terrorism
qichao: i want your skull
qichao: berlin wall, july 2002
qichao: berlin wall
qichao: berlin wall, july 2002
qichao: industrial plant, louisiana 01.00
qichao: millennium march on washington 04/00
qichao: "cemetary of the innocent"
qichao: bush armageddon poster, boston oct 2004
qichao: ode to terry gilliam
qichao: democracy monument, nyc
qichao: america strikes back
qichao: extreme makeover soul edition
qichao: all finished
qichao: nashville
qichao: consumer uber alles
qichao: to my valentine (detail)