QuatroH: The Starting Field
QuatroH: The Starting Field, now all paying attention
QuatroH: MGM 50k 2017 Women's winner, Sheila Vibert, displaying proper shot form
QuatroH: The follow through is important here . . .
QuatroH: Happiness is a downed Furbutt Shot
QuatroH: Kerry Owens and Doug Sullivan
QuatroH: IMG_2989
QuatroH: Dave Woll
QuatroH: IMG_2991
QuatroH: MGM 50k Overall and Men's Champ for 2017, Will Weidman, with his winner's swag. VHTRC Xmas Ornament courtesy of Erik Price
QuatroH: Finisher Scott Crabb
QuatroH: RD Joe Clapper and Jen Ragone
QuatroH: The official MGM scorekeepers at their post - Jennifer Norris and Dave Woll
QuatroH: MGM 50k Finishers Dan Aghdam and Scott Crabb
QuatroH: Finisher Michael Campbell
QuatroH: Bill Turrentine and Caroline Williams
QuatroH: IMG_2999
QuatroH: IMG_3001
QuatroH: IMG_3002
QuatroH: Michele Harmon and Joe Clapper
QuatroH: Chad and Tristan Epler. Tristan was the youngest finisher (15) of the MGM 50k in 2017
QuatroH: Waterproof sock, baby!
QuatroH: Carol Cohen and Sarah Smith, dancing with waterproof socks