akihito_aoi: SDIM3115
koen_jacobs: Morning train
靈芝的礦物: 古亭坑層台南月世界重晶石-1
kens_foto: 638-605〈台北‧松山菸廠宿舍〉
cosasvisuales: Ramon Bilbao 5
Ama gogo: Paper cutting light box by Fafa Chen
布托: Frozen Moment
John Chan -HK: 香港中環天星碼頭計劃 : 重繪
Cheng Yuan Chieh: 人次方 HAND IN HAND
Huang-Chun Chan: 2014 years of the horse
wrc213: 竹林螢光
wrc213: 透天海蝕洞
wrc213: 海蝕洞
The British Library: British Library digitised image from page 64 of "British Mineralogy: or coloured figures intended to elucidate the mineralogy of Great Britain. By J. Sowerby (with assistance) . F.P"
开___: good life
台大校史館 NTU_OldPhotos_Wanted: 台北帝大預科生班會合影
台大校史館 NTU_OldPhotos_Wanted: 湖口演習,預科生
HK Man (香港在消失ing): 沙田 - 曾大屋 c.1983
布托: Green Tunnel of Mangrove