q.daria: funny you should mention that, because NO, it actually isn't possible to have too many photos of polar bears
q.daria: bad that they're caged; good they're being kept alive and safe
q.daria: the expecto patronum of choice (mine)
q.daria: poem from some old native people who've undoubtedly seen better days
q.daria: she's doing a bikini team ad for tanning oil
q.daria: a rather large bat at that
q.daria: it's just me and you
q.daria: this little guy has to be poisonous - to avoid being kissed to death
q.daria: the rare coy lizard. jk - they're all coy.
q.daria: actually trying to be self-absorbed
q.daria: we had a moment. it was cute, at first.
q.daria: marie's nightmare dinner date
q.daria: we get our cheeks from grandma
q.daria: in a relaxed state, the female will expose her antennae
q.daria: gjerde! gjerdes, where are you? long have i searched for our people...
q.daria: seriously, i need to find the gjerde family. they are mine.
q.daria: glorious boots, bavarian (justification: genetic)
q.daria: though not bavarian, it was in skirts similar to this that my great-grandmother's mother had sewn their gold into their hems - in preparation for escape, presumably more than weight to add a little sass to their steps
q.daria: a hurly and a burly