qcom: Upon arrival in Colombia—first things first
qcom: Biblioteca Luis Ángel Arango, Bogotá
qcom: Stairs and reflective wall
qcom: A table covered with potatoes = 6.6 volts
qcom: blueredpink
qcom: Iglesia del Carmen
qcom: Restaurant on a rock, at the top of the Páramo
qcom: Choachí mercado
qcom: Choachí mercado
qcom: Mud fashionista
qcom: Typical Colombian meal: starch, inedible meat, no sauce, $1.
qcom: Javier, Alma, and I at home in Choachí
qcom: This is the correct color
qcom: Convergence
qcom: If you make it crooked–ugly do it well, so it approximates art
qcom: SWAT man doing suduko
qcom: Take back the streets! (with primary colors)
qcom: Mountain at the end of the street
qcom: Colombian plate—with salad!
qcom: Cow dream
qcom: Sit in the corner and think about it
qcom: More of this please
qcom: A wax palm tree looks so very tall when @almaayon hugs it. (She loves tall things.)
qcom: This 1905 Italian espresso machine makes the worst coffee I've ever tried to drink. Love it.
qcom: Finca Don Elías, a small family-run coffee plantation near Salento
qcom: Drying coffee beans