qcom: When things were better
qcom: Velo Rouge Café
qcom: Honest warning?
qcom: De Young, skewed?
qcom: Kleen Kanteen handing out plastic cups of water
qcom: Death monsters ahead
qcom: Apex of mass, at city hall
qcom: Blair. With hair.
qcom: Bring your friend
qcom: 16th anniversary critical mass, SF
qcom: America!!!!!!!!!!!!!
qcom: Zoom room
qcom: Remote control (details)
qcom: Remote control
qcom: And I'm only just getting started!
qcom: Jeremy's book at City Lights
qcom: Ryan interjects
qcom: 20080926(009)
qcom: 20080926(007)
qcom: Recycles receptical
qcom: How to fix a flat
qcom: 20080926(004)
qcom: 20080926(003)
qcom: 20080926(002)
qcom: 20080926(001)
qcom: 20080926
qcom: 20080925(002)
qcom: 20080925(001)