q3inq8: Fairway
q3inq8: Bristol
q3inq8: Bristol inflated
q3inq8: Bristol detail
q3inq8: Fairway sinking
q3inq8: Fairway getting fairly low
q3inq8: Bit of a struggle
q3inq8: nearly ready
q3inq8: the commentator looks on
q3inq8: Bristol after launch
q3inq8: Bristol basket
q3inq8: Bristol climbing away
q3inq8: climbout
q3inq8: smaller participant
q3inq8: obsolete phone numbers
q3inq8: G-BOWV
q3inq8: inflation
q3inq8: view from the crowd
q3inq8: another one finds the coldsink
q3inq8: preparations continue
q3inq8: Chelmsford rises...
q3inq8: ...then sinks (a little)
q3inq8: activity in the arena
q3inq8: a bit of jostling
q3inq8: more jostling
q3inq8: Cameron climbout
q3inq8: basket from below
q3inq8: G-PATG
q3inq8: crew at work
q3inq8: after take-off