A.J.____: 20180317_102936
A.J.____: 20180317_102944
A.J.____: 20180317_102954
A.J.____: 20180317_103052_HDR
A.J.____: 20180317_103626
A.J.____: 20180317_103640
A.J.____: 20180317_103721
A.J.____: 20180317_104319
A.J.____: 20180317_104337_HDR
A.J.____: 20180317_104647
A.J.____: 20180317_104723
A.J.____: 20180317_104842
A.J.____: 20180317_104920
A.J.____: 20180317_105143
A.J.____: 20180317_105211
A.J.____: 20180317_105322
A.J.____: 20180317_105330
A.J.____: 20180317_105551
A.J.____: Replacing socket wiring
A.J.____: Replacing socket wiring
A.J.____: Test lighting with visors
A.J.____: Test lighting without visors
A.J.____: The reflector
A.J.____: Installing the fixed socket
A.J.____: Made a stand and mounted the lens blanks. Turns out the blanks are thinner casts than the visors, so I'll need to make another McMaster order
A.J.____: Made a stand and mounted the lens blanks. Turns out the blanks are thinner casts than the visors, so I'll need to make another McMaster order
A.J.____: Temporary display
A.J.____: Temporary display
A.J.____: Temporary display
A.J.____: Temporary display