Hal Bergman Photography: Rickroll on a sushi menu
Hal Bergman Photography: I bought a new bike.
Hal Bergman Photography: Radiohead @ Outside Lands
Hal Bergman Photography: Found in the street.
Hal Bergman Photography: Arnold is watching me pee.
Hal Bergman Photography: Vive le mannequin resistance!
Hal Bergman Photography: Sent from my iPhone
Hal Bergman Photography: What do the "quotes" mean?
Hal Bergman Photography: Blatantly breaking the law.
Hal Bergman Photography: Santa Monica Beach. 5D photos coming soon.
Hal Bergman Photography: Great book to sell at the airport
Hal Bergman Photography: Too many bicycles
Hal Bergman Photography: Barbeque demographic (or why I wish I had my real camera)
Hal Bergman Photography: Crankmob p0wns a pickup
Hal Bergman Photography: Giles + Tecate
Hal Bergman Photography: But really, that's $4.00