Py All: Work in the paddy fields
Py All: Minority people of Yunnan
Py All: Easy Rider
Py All: H1N1 Flu Warning
Py All: Fields
Py All: End of a long day at work in the fields
Py All: Bike
Py All: Fire
Py All: Fire
Py All: Running
Py All: Biking
Py All: Sunrays
Py All: Washing
Py All: Vegetables
Py All: Back in the old times
Py All: Painting on the wall of the catholic church
Py All: Catholic church
Py All: Temple
Py All: Back
Py All: Layers
Py All: Roof
Py All: The doors
Py All: Mountains
Py All: Brooms and mops #2
Py All: Brooms and mops #1
Py All: Wired
Py All: Grocery store
Py All: Business
Py All: Touching scene of a dad feeding his handicaped daughter
Py All: Street conversation