pxl:pshr: "Sifu Shi Yan Ming" 2007-08
pxl:pshr: "Act For Peace" 2002
pxl:pshr: "Puppet" 2002
pxl:pshr: "Knowledge" 2000
pxl:pshr: "Creativity" 2000
pxl:pshr: "Doomsday Pill" 2002
pxl:pshr: Gorilla Painting in Progress
pxl:pshr: Gorilla Painting in Progress
pxl:pshr: Gorilla Painting In Progress
pxl:pshr: Gorilla Painting In Progress
pxl:pshr: Gorilla Painting In Progress
pxl:pshr: Gorilla in the Universe Final
pxl:pshr: Fine Art Prints For Sale!
pxl:pshr: Currently working on Birth-of-Self-Portrait
pxl:pshr: Birth-of-Self-Portrait Latest
pxl:pshr: Birth of Self-Portrait