cogita_ergo_zoom: Kickin’ our family Taco Tuesday game up a notch …on a Thursday. ✌️❤️ #inspired
cogita_ergo_zoom: Composing music in GarageBand on the iPad. I swear, I had nothing to do with the sunglasses. That’s apparently just how he gets in his groove.
cogita_ergo_zoom: I somehow find myself sitting by a pool, next to an ocean, in 82 degree weather, with fluffy clouds and a soothing breeze. My mind hasn’t quite figured out how to process this.
cogita_ergo_zoom: Admit it, you knew this would happen when I was given a 3D printer and my Funko Pop heroes were in need of a Mjolnir… #Avengers #Thor #Cap #meowMeow
cogita_ergo_zoom: The rule when we are in Italy is “gelato every day.” When NOT in Italy, we just do the best we can.
cogita_ergo_zoom: Looks like somebody had a rough day …being a CAT …lyin’ around the house all day!
cogita_ergo_zoom: When you have a collection of plushie penguins, and the Easter Bunny plays hard.
cogita_ergo_zoom: Because some days, it’s the only way you can keep him in bed at bedtime. #littleHeroes. #thor #mjolnir (Totally faking it though. Seen him lift it before. Totally worthy.)
cogita_ergo_zoom: The starting grid is set! #tabletopgaming #formula-1
cogita_ergo_zoom: The cats have never agreed on anything until today. #weBoughtCatnip
cogita_ergo_zoom: I really just want to do this today. Sometimes, being a human is not fair. #aCatsLife
cogita_ergo_zoom: Technically, not in violation of the “off the counter” rule. #lifeWithCats
cogita_ergo_zoom: Chocolate-n-PeanutButter cupcake for my birthday. Almost too pretty to eat. But totally gonna. Yum. @lesleyscreativecakes
cogita_ergo_zoom: When you discover a tin box of buried treasure in box in a box in a corner of your garage.
cogita_ergo_zoom: …baby, it's COLD outside. #fedoraWeather
cogita_ergo_zoom: When you feel a fever coming on, all you really need is your jammies, and some snuggles with your tigers …and your Batman robe …and your fuzzy socks …and your Spider-Man blankie …and your harmonica… so you can play the blues. #myBoys
cogita_ergo_zoom: Oh yeah! Movie date! "It was AWESOME!" #myBoys #starWars #theNextGeneration "They better make an Episode 8."
cogita_ergo_zoom: It was time to engage the BIG Hot Cocoa Cups. #babyItsColdOutside #yum
cogita_ergo_zoom: Apparently made a wrong turn somewhere this morning, and found myself in a '20's gangster film. #modelTs
cogita_ergo_zoom: Oh yeah! Movie date! "It was AWESOME!" #myBoys #starWars #theNextGeneration "They better make an Episode 8."
cogita_ergo_zoom: The face of happy pride. Finished a whole Lego set, all by himself. #myBoys #legos #starWars #merryChristmas
cogita_ergo_zoom: Yay! They finished me! #wall-e #legos #myBirthday #iThinkIJustWantToMakeRobotsForALiving #photobomb
cogita_ergo_zoom: The Christmas tree is up & decorated. Phew. #merryChristmas #HappyHolidays #happy
cogita_ergo_zoom: There. I added tinsel & ornaments. #merryChristmas #HappyHolidays
cogita_ergo_zoom: My new built-in air freshener. I just need one tiny ornament and 3 to 4 inches of tinsel garland. #merryChristmas #HappyHolidays
cogita_ergo_zoom: Cookie day bliss #merryChristmas #HappyHolidays #happy #pizelle
cogita_ergo_zoom: Dark chocolate hot cocoa FTW! #HappyHolidays #merryChristmas
cogita_ergo_zoom: I've never had a Lego set where the instructions were literally A BOOK! Yeah, we've got a long way yet to go on this one, and that's good. #birthdayPresent #wall-e #robot #iLoveRobots #happy
cogita_ergo_zoom: SQUEEE! Look who I ran into at work today! OMG! #Santa #iThinkIveBeenGoodThisYear #HoHoHo #MerryChristmas
cogita_ergo_zoom: Like the song says, most wonderful time of the year, at least as far as hot cocoa is concerned. #chocolate