pwsonline: Dark days - Test shooting - Hi-ISO's rediscovered
pwsonline: Marriage of economics...
pwsonline: Oeverzwaluwen - Sand martins - Riparia riparia
pwsonline: Ben ik hier wel goed...? Witte kwikstaart - Pied Wagtail - Motacilla alba
pwsonline: Something different with a long lens...
pwsonline: Something different with a long lens...
pwsonline: Scholekster - Oystercatcher - Haematopus ostralegus
pwsonline: "Celebrities" shooting - Paparazzi style....
pwsonline: Paparazzi shooting with the 500mm
pwsonline: Young birdie of unknown origin....
pwsonline: Ai-S Nikkor 500mm F4 IF-ED P
pwsonline: Spotting birds / Connecting to Nature
pwsonline: Winter has it's challenges... Kramsvogel - Turdus pilaris
pwsonline: Zwartkop mannetje - Male Blackcap - Sylvia atricapilla
pwsonline: Ransuil - Long-eared owl - Asio otus
pwsonline: Close encounter - Long-eared owl - Ransuil
pwsonline: Portrait Passer domesticus
pwsonline: Fitis - Phylloscopus trochilus 3 of 3
pwsonline: Fitis - Phylloscopus trochilus 2 of 3
pwsonline: Fitis - Phylloscopus trochilus 1 of 3
pwsonline: Shooting birds with the Fujifilm X-E1 - Sturnus vulgaris
pwsonline: Shooting birds with the Fujifilm X-E1 - Sturnus vulgaris
pwsonline: Enjoyng the summer heat... Mute swans - Knobbelzwanen
pwsonline: Asio otus - Ransuil - Log-eared owl 2 of 2
pwsonline: Asio otus - Ransuil - Log-eared owl - 1 of2
pwsonline: Reeën in het veld - Roe deer in the winter fields - 2 of 2
pwsonline: Reeën in het veld - Roe deer in the winter fields - 1 of 2 - Explored, thanks!
pwsonline: Female house sparrow eats damsefly.. - Explored
pwsonline: A prince, or just a frog?
pwsonline: Passer domesticus - House sparrow - Huismus