pwners_manual: rough waters
pwners_manual: lock and dam no. 1
pwners_manual: ford sign
pwners_manual: hydro turbine
pwners_manual: smokestack on the river bank
pwners_manual: under the stack
pwners_manual: the last bit of snow in the back yard
pwners_manual: base of the bridge
pwners_manual: glare off the dam
pwners_manual: flags at the ford plant
pwners_manual: nom nom nom om om
pwners_manual: holding on to that bagel
pwners_manual: take off
pwners_manual: squirrel on tree
pwners_manual: back ally foliage
pwners_manual: cosmo's flag
pwners_manual: sitting in traffic over lake street
pwners_manual: monitor left on the curb
pwners_manual: cows in a pasture
pwners_manual: blue earth river
pwners_manual: all but fallen down barn
pwners_manual: gravel pit
pwners_manual: across the jim
pwners_manual: the james river-running high
pwners_manual: bridges on the jim
pwners_manual: the farm
pwners_manual: the culvert below the pasture
pwners_manual: harrison in his highchair
pwners_manual: standing rocks-lab