your neighborhood librarian: Above us only sky
your neighborhood librarian: So high the color of the sky is beginning to shift
your neighborhood librarian: Babe is my present under the tree
your neighborhood librarian: Brother John under the tree
your neighborhood librarian: First Christmas present of the day
your neighborhood librarian: Boy meets guitar
your neighborhood librarian: Babe is the prettiest present
your neighborhood librarian: Brother John is not sure that's not another pet of some kind
your neighborhood librarian: Daddy's stocking always contains Whoppers
your neighborhood librarian: opening each other's presents
your neighborhood librarian: How They Croaked, by Georgia Bragg, illustrated by Kevin O'Malley
your neighborhood librarian: Have you seen him?
your neighborhood librarian: Cartoon History of the Universe, part II
your neighborhood librarian: His aunties like breakfast
your neighborhood librarian: That is my new barbecue mop you're using as a cat toy, mister
your neighborhood librarian: Brother John in Phil the Bunny's crib
your neighborhood librarian: The pancake pen writes, and having writ, moves on