PatienceW: Teegan picked me up at the airport
PatienceW: Of course this is her first collar
PatienceW: Cutest whte patch ever
PatienceW: Teegan and Willie
PatienceW: Puppy Toss!
PatienceW: Alec
PatienceW: Javie!
PatienceW: Teegan's Brother
PatienceW: Two greatest nephews ever invented
PatienceW: Javie!
PatienceW: Alec
PatienceW: Teegan in a dog pile
PatienceW: Alec & I
PatienceW: Brendan and I
PatienceW: Alec found a friend
PatienceW: Thanks Tyra!
PatienceW: Brendan showing off his talent
PatienceW: Teegan!
PatienceW: All labs use bumpers as pillows
PatienceW: My favorite sister Shari!
PatienceW: With everything going on around her Teegan passed out for the afternoon
PatienceW: Puppy Pile
PatienceW: Cute Face
PatienceW: sleeper
PatienceW: Celebrating Paul's 35th Birthday