PatienceW: Ohio State's sweet library
PatienceW: Beth's final push
PatienceW: Emily's closeup
PatienceW: Emily is a great photographer
PatienceW: Emily & I
PatienceW: CHarps & Emily
PatienceW: Beth's celebratory Jeni's Icecream
PatienceW: Nothing like celebrating with Mom!
PatienceW: Ready for the party to start.
PatienceW: Reasoner, Adriane, and Beth
PatienceW: Kirsten, Beth, Anna, and Jen
PatienceW: Kim & Beth
PatienceW: Capital Crowd - Kim & Justin
PatienceW: Beth's cohort: Tammy & Jen
PatienceW: Cassie, Julie, and Becky
PatienceW: Chris and Christy!
PatienceW: Chris, Rhonda, Christy, Beth, Cassie, and I
PatienceW: Church Celebration!
PatienceW: Party at Slammers
PatienceW: Still happy!
PatienceW: End of the Day