Patricia Ware: The Wherever Warbler
Patricia Ware: Let's Go!!!
Patricia Ware: Orange-crowned Warber on a Pretty Perch
Patricia Ware: An Early Morning Breakfast Bug
Patricia Ware: Yellow-rumped Warbler (Dendroica coronata)
Patricia Ware: Little Yellow & Gray Tweetie Bird
Patricia Ware: Bluto's Nemisis
Patricia Ware: Breakfast in the Desert
Patricia Ware: Flaps out, Wheels down!
Patricia Ware: Orange-crowned Warbler
Patricia Ware: Female Wilson's Warber
Patricia Ware: Find the Birdy!
Patricia Ware: 3 guesses why I'm named Yellow Warbler!
Patricia Ware: Hanging out in the Desert
Patricia Ware: A Sprightly Little Bird
Patricia Ware: A Shy Warbler
Patricia Ware: I'm free......I'm free woo hoo!!
Patricia Ware: Small and Active
Patricia Ware: Yellow-rumped Warbler on Ocotillo in Bloom
Patricia Ware: Bug Searching
Patricia Ware: ... for my long-time friend, Sherry
Patricia Ware: Audubon's Butterbutt aka Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler
Patricia Ware: And it was all yellow
Patricia Ware: Where have all the flowers gone?
Patricia Ware: I just LOOK like an Easter marshmallow chick! Really!
Patricia Ware: Female Yellow-rumped Warbler
Patricia Ware: A Western Warbler
Patricia Ware: A Refugee from an Easter Basket!
Patricia Ware: Hiding in the Mesquite
Patricia Ware: Yellow Warbler