pvh photo: watch your step!
pvh photo: observer
pvh photo: parked at the point
pvh photo: southward view
pvh photo: at the point
pvh photo: thru the gap
pvh photo: thru the gap (mono)
pvh photo: pointy top
pvh photo: shade seeker
pvh photo: at the Rock
pvh photo: faded glory
pvh photo: under the belly
pvh photo: picnic among the missiles
pvh photo: weapons with wings
pvh photo: biking between the rocks
pvh photo: Regulus & Tomcat
pvh photo: pulled over
pvh photo: looking down PCH
pvh photo: coastal hillside
pvh photo: coastal hillside II
pvh photo: hiding under a rock
pvh photo: in the Phantom's shadow
pvh photo: rocky shore
pvh photo: rocky shore II
pvh photo: looking down PCH
pvh photo: parade of projectiles
pvh photo: roadwork
pvh photo: relics
pvh photo: no left turn
pvh photo: rocky shore