Plastic_Fantastic: Nellis - new look 4
Plastic_Fantastic: Nellis - new look 3
Plastic_Fantastic: Nellis - new look 2
Plastic_Fantastic: Nellis - new look
Plastic_Fantastic: Rei and Asuka?
Plastic_Fantastic: Eyes - detail 2
Plastic_Fantastic: Eyes - detail 1
Plastic_Fantastic: Eyes laid out
Plastic_Fantastic: Some of my eyes
Plastic_Fantastic: Aerie - no eyes
Plastic_Fantastic: Nellis - no eyes
Plastic_Fantastic: Defaults are out!
Plastic_Fantastic: Aerie - default
Plastic_Fantastic: Neris - default
Plastic_Fantastic: Neris and Aerie - Default Eyes
Plastic_Fantastic: Colour Comparison
Plastic_Fantastic: Silicone Putty detail shot