patricio villarroel bórquez: looking at the iTxxx closely
patricio villarroel bórquez: with max, ed french cousin, dedicated to sandy
patricio villarroel bórquez: a coffee to my friends
patricio villarroel bórquez: happy birthday sandy !!!
patricio villarroel bórquez: happy birthday baumy !!!
patricio villarroel bórquez: black thoughts (hate my iTxxx)
patricio villarroel bórquez: self with iThrwk on grass
patricio villarroel bórquez: young pvb's eye
patricio villarroel bórquez: self to remember where i parked my car
patricio villarroel bórquez: where is going this guy ?
patricio villarroel bórquez: self, no dragon
patricio villarroel bórquez: week 22 : jean dubuffet
patricio villarroel bórquez: picture in the wall
patricio villarroel bórquez: week 19 : slide
patricio villarroel bórquez: good night fellows