puzzlemepuzzle: DSC_8159
puzzlemepuzzle: Rolling rolling rolling... Rolling in mud.. hahhaha....
puzzlemepuzzle: Mammoth Hot Spring Hotel... looks more like a jail to me on first sight =P
puzzlemepuzzle: First encounter of animals in Yellowstone... ELKS!
puzzlemepuzzle: This little buddy seems to want me to follow him... hehe... OK!
puzzlemepuzzle: Are you looking at me? You'd better be looking at me!
puzzlemepuzzle: mmmm... nothing beats nicely chilled grass...
puzzlemepuzzle: DSC_8185
puzzlemepuzzle: Proportional
puzzlemepuzzle: Petrified wood?
puzzlemepuzzle: A river runs through~
puzzlemepuzzle: DSC_8106
puzzlemepuzzle: DSC_8119
puzzlemepuzzle: DSC_8132
puzzlemepuzzle: DSC_8197