Puru Tiger:
Team playing cricket @ night..
Puru Tiger:
The Crowd!
Puru Tiger:
The winning team...and the losing team...
Puru Tiger:
Team#1 - In the cubicle...the decoration and a pose ;-)
Puru Tiger:
All happy faces!
Puru Tiger:
The guy in the funny outfit is the photographer :-)
Puru Tiger:
Nice shot!
Puru Tiger:
And another one....
Puru Tiger:
Puru Tiger:
Standing in attention!! :-)
Puru Tiger:
With the team :-)
Puru Tiger:
Once more!
Puru Tiger:
Team #3
Puru Tiger:
Saluting the flag! - Amit!
Puru Tiger:
The decorations...
Puru Tiger:
Nice one!
Puru Tiger:
...and more decorations
Puru Tiger:
And some team members have more than one skill! :-)
Puru Tiger:
Well well well....
Puru Tiger:
Well! This one takes the cake...