purple-princess: Gorgeous!
purple-princess: Hey, I'm on the tele!
purple-princess: Rainy Day
purple-princess: oooooOOOOOooooooh!
purple-princess: oooh, I think I know what this is...
purple-princess: ohhhhh so comfy and GORgeous!
purple-princess: can i haz cheezburger
purple-princess: c'MON England for GOODNESS sake!
purple-princess: Blimey it's dark in here!
purple-princess: s'okay I'll sit with her
purple-princess: I can't look...
purple-princess: WHAT is going on?
purple-princess: quick the next bit!
purple-princess: dolly in focus, street fuzzy...
purple-princess: neither in focus *sigh*
purple-princess: best shot!
purple-princess: Working on a pixie hood pattern...
purple-princess: Bella leaves poor Lizzie alone for long enough to do some modelling for me.
purple-princess: fuzzy doll, focused street
purple-princess: So Zee...you thinking what I'm thinking...