Risager: Solopgangsvagten
Jan Egil Kristiansen: Under Sauron's chemtrail eye
Risager: IMG_20170204_181918
Inge Vautrin Photography: Life on the Salt Plains
isazappy: On top of the door!
aleshurik: Lorenzo.. (the rain on the Surrey Hills)
Marita Gulklett: Sanddunnuber (Honckenya peploides L. Ehrh.)
aleshurik: two with blond eyelashes..
eddiemcfish: Forbrydelsen re-enacted by greyhounds
Inge Vautrin Photography: Vigilant Wasps
BeckyinVT: lone plum
Jan Egil Kristiansen: Approaching land
Risager: WWKIP
IndigoNightOwl: SheepHeidstages 001
Risager: Hello!
Anetq: Tigers in snow
Jan Egil Kristiansen: Narrow Mountain Road
Risager: Hanging out
Marita Gulklett: Tórshavn 13.12.2014
Marita Gulklett: Torshavn 29.11.2014
Marita Gulklett: Tórshavn 08.11.2014
Lee6700: Pittenweem Harbour Panorama
Risager: IMG_6142
Risager: Coot!
Risager: 20140712_144345
Risager: 20140613_074732
aleshurik: swim...
Risager: Day #149