puritēs: St. Lawrence Distributing the Treasures of the Church
puritēs: The Death of Alcestis
puritēs: Jacob Watering Laban's Sheep before Peeled Branches
puritēs: The Cliff, Étretat, Sunset
puritēs: The Saint-Sever Bridge, Rouen: Mist
puritēs: Diana shoots Actaeon >>
puritēs: A Man Scraping Chocolate
puritēs: The Eruption of Mt. Vesuvius
puritēs: The Abduction of Hippodamia, Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse
puritēs: The Abduction of Hippodamia
puritēs: Albert-Ernest Carrier-Belleuse,
puritēs: Crater of Popocatépetl, 1835. Jean-Baptiste Louis Gros
puritēs: David Teniers the Younger, Dancers at a Village Inn, 1660s
puritēs: Mercury About to Behead Argus
puritēs: Mercury Lulling Argus to Sleep
puritēs: Portrait of a Gentleman
puritēs: Bernardo Strozzi, Portrait of a Gentleman, detail
puritēs: Christ Appearing in a Dream to St. Martin, 1733
puritēs: Sassoferrato (Giovanni Battista Salvi)
puritēs: The Triumph of Venice
puritēs: 1948 Man Ray 'Diderot's Harpsichord or The Merchant of Venice'
puritēs: 'Sunset (Medusa)', 1945
puritēs: 1971 Andrew Newell Wyeth 'Sea Dog'
puritēs: 1965, Andrew Wyeth 'Weatherside'
puritēs: Georg Baselitz 1975 'Male Nude'
puritēs: "Winter" Per Kirkeby
puritēs: Helen Frankenthaler, 1986 'Captain's Watch'
puritēs: Gerhard Richter 'Station (577-2)' 1986
puritēs: Joel Shapiro, American, b. 1942 Untitled cast bronze
puritēs: lll Anselm Kiefer