MWBricks: Grun
MWBricks: Vernada Cark C.203 (more shots)
fox figs: 5 years
MWBricks: VRp.2 Huygens
th_squirrel: Boosters Gold
MWBricks: PR-8 "Platu"
Lectrius: DC Figbarf
Pieron_LEGO: Illuminati 838
joshie427: Taking a crap on the establishment , i salute you
th_squirrel: Batman Apologies
th_squirrel: Batman Apologies: Cartoony Villains
Elvis Lawrey: 2017 Lego Batman Batcave MOC Remoded
th_squirrel: All New Titans
Elvis Lawrey: Lego Batman Batcave MOC (Final Version)
Elvis Lawrey: Lego Batmobile (Futuristic Series)
th_squirrel: Wolverines
armored prime: In the Batcave
Bricksbygus: The Suicide Squad (2021)
MWBricks: Torumekian Armored Corvette
th_squirrel: X-MARCH: FINALE
hhleamer: Fried calamari! (. Get it?)
Infamous_M: Batman: Prologue
Stan Building: -The Fantastic Four-
Stan Building: -''To me, my X-Men!-
thatisnotamoon: Deadpool & Friends
th_squirrel: X-MARCH: 8/16
Pieron_LEGO: Thor Odinson
Grantmasters: Nanocat
Blue Box Bricks: Green Toa, The Shaman