PFMpics: Sunset with shape from Nocelo. Atardecer con figura desde Nocelo
PFMpics: Pereza al sol de la tarde.Laziness under evening sun
PFMpics: Mirada curiosa
PFMpics: Despliegue de color. Colour open out.
PFMpics: I haven't wash my face today.
PFMpics: Galician autumn
PFMpics: Galician autum
PFMpics: Elephant-tree
PFMpics: the sky
PFMpics: growing up together
PFMpics: Cat camouflage (2)
PFMpics: Snowflake
PFMpics: Land breathing
PFMpics: Clouds healing burned land, in Galicia
PFMpics: Clouds over burned land
PFMpics: Autumn cat (2)
PFMpics: Autumn cat (1)
PFMpics: Lichens in an autumnal frame
PFMpics: Yellow festival... Galician automn
PFMpics: Resisting autumn beat
PFMpics: Quercus, oak, carballo, roure, roble... Galician autumn
PFMpics: Forest protection. Galician automn
PFMpics: Betula pendula, birch, abedul, vido... protecting me
PFMpics: Cat camouflage(1)
PFMpics: Flying above a sea of clouds
PFMpics: Finding a path above the clouds
PFMpics: "If you want the rainbow you need to have the rain"
PFMpics: Pink sunrise above the fog
PFMpics: Sunrise through the fog and the foliage
PFMpics: Flying alone, above the fog