Pureheart11: Two bags full
Pureheart11: Good to the last drop
Pureheart11: Ottoe skipper
Pureheart11: Cloudless Sulphur
Pureheart11: Taking its time in a butterfly garden
Pureheart11: A swallowtail with determination!
Pureheart11: A filling dinner
Pureheart11: Sunflower and friend
Pureheart11: A northern Painted Lady
Pureheart11: A very popular cone flower..
Pureheart11: Painted Lady going round and round...
Pureheart11: The standoff
Pureheart11: Hovering in the wind
Pureheart11: Wish we had these where I live....
Pureheart11: Hanging out on a hot day...
Pureheart11: Posing
Pureheart11: In full glory....
Pureheart11: Red Admiral...calendar winner 2015
Pureheart11: Busy Bee
Pureheart11: Hanging on......
Pureheart11: The pause that refreshes....
Pureheart11: Not often seen.....
Pureheart11: Commonly beautiful
Pureheart11: A natural connection
Pureheart11: Hummingbird moth
Pureheart11: Hummingbird moth
Pureheart11: 'I'm really quite crabby that it's Monday....:)'
Pureheart11: Well camouflaged
Pureheart11: "I've got my eye on you..."
Pureheart11: Remnant of Summer