pura-aventura.com: Punta Arenas, known as the gateway to Chile's far south, as one of the world's southernmost cities and for its fluffy blue sheep apparently.
pura-aventura.com: Prawns or maggots? Either way it's not the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the Picos de Europa
pura-aventura.com: Another rather incongruous food choice with some decidedly dodgy looking cheese from Madrid
pura-aventura.com: Buenos Aires in a magnet, but with added points for the wonky scale and impossible incline of the two dancers. And for being a bit crap.
pura-aventura.com: We're at a loss to explain this one. Which is why it's such a cracker.
pura-aventura.com: Does this one need an introduction?
pura-aventura.com: A wonderfully innocent effort from our Costa Rican friends who presumably were not going for a play on another four letter word beginning with f.
pura-aventura.com: How to capture the poise, power, passion and perfection of flamenco in magnet form? Not with this...
pura-aventura.com: The original and perhaps still the gold standard. Look closely at the name...
pura-aventura.com: Finding a misspelled magent is far harder than it sounds. You have to look through an awful lot of them before you can uncover an absolute corker like this one.
pura-aventura.com: You know when you've got a good magnet when you're laughing to yourself on the way to the counter to pay. We just wish we could capture all its epic sillyness in 3d form for you.
pura-aventura.com: The name's magnet. Crap magnet.
pura-aventura.com: For structural form and realism this is actually a pretty good effort. Thankfully the saving grace is that it has precious little to do with Mallorca.
pura-aventura.com: Of course having spent two weeks switching between the precious forests, lakes, mountains and icefields of Chilean Patagonia, this is the view you want to look at every time you go to fetch the milk
pura-aventura.com: This is, allegedly, a pre-historic sloth. From Chile, apparently. It's the sort of creation you'd treasure if your 5 year old brought it home from school. In any other circumstance, it's just tat.
pura-aventura.com: Odeceixe, known for its abundance of Andrex puppies and for being in the Algarve. Actually, neither of those things. It's in the Alentejo. And has nothing to do with dogs.