pup_vs_robot: Clutch and Razor outside the airport
pup_vs_robot: Cheese picked us up from the airport in a convertible
pup_vs_robot: Starr Pass Blvd!
pup_vs_robot: Margaritas
pup_vs_robot: wet ladies
pup_vs_robot: entering a new world
pup_vs_robot: fresh strawberries by the fountain
pup_vs_robot: Waffle House in the desert
pup_vs_robot: great picture
pup_vs_robot: greatest picture
pup_vs_robot: IMG_6236
pup_vs_robot: IMG_6237
pup_vs_robot: IMG_6238
pup_vs_robot: bunch of drunks
pup_vs_robot: Fisti, Justin, Animal, Evil
pup_vs_robot: Roxy, Cheese, Animal
pup_vs_robot: air hockey, of course
pup_vs_robot: intensity
pup_vs_robot: Francesca
pup_vs_robot: Cheese is an inscrutable character
pup_vs_robot: Cheese and Justin
pup_vs_robot: this says a lot about both of them
pup_vs_robot: Thighs and Clutch in the locker room pre-game.
pup_vs_robot: we were thirsty
pup_vs_robot: like really thirsty
pup_vs_robot: IMG_6255
pup_vs_robot: IMG_6256
pup_vs_robot: IMG_6257
pup_vs_robot: IMG_6258