fuzball: Carnegie Library facade
fuzball: Ted's excellent food
fuzball: Blue sky, lamp post
fuzball: House 2
fuzball: House 3
fuzball: House 4
fuzball: Torn trees
fuzball: House long shot
fuzball: Electric poles
fuzball: Al with stump
fuzball: Sedar lily
fuzball: IMG_2240
fuzball: Waukegan hotel
fuzball: Not the Karcher Hotel
fuzball: IMG_2262
fuzball: Not the Karcher Hotel - still
fuzball: Amstutz Expressway to nowhere
fuzball: Carnegie Library on Sheridan
fuzball: Stairs Behind Carnegie Library
fuzball: Chickory, Carnegie Library
fuzball: Stairs to the bottom
fuzball: Books Carnegie Library
fuzball: Artists Carnegie Library
fuzball: Carnegie Library interior
fuzball: Beach at Waukegan
fuzball: Gypsum silo, Waukegan
fuzball: Ay, your way
fuzball: Cone flowers at the Sedars'
fuzball: Kosco Flags, Waukegan
fuzball: House 1