fuzball: Al Spotted Dick
fuzball: Al Spotted Dick 2
fuzball: Mary and Blair's chips
fuzball: Mars Cheese Castle sign
fuzball: Mary and chips
fuzball: Mars Cheese Castle blg
fuzball: IMG_2330
fuzball: Slice and dice
fuzball: Bored guys at the Fair
fuzball: Hubcap clocks
fuzball: Hubcaps
fuzball: Mary gets down
fuzball: Larry wants s'more
fuzball: Fried Snickers
fuzball: Fried Pickles
fuzball: Bourbon Chicken
fuzball: Fried Veggies
fuzball: Mary, Larry, and fried pickles
fuzball: IMG_2318
fuzball: IMG_2317
fuzball: IMG_2316
fuzball: Very large rig
fuzball: Larry, Mary, chocolate bacon
fuzball: Hot Wisconsin Cheese
fuzball: Mary eats fried butter
fuzball: Heart attack place
fuzball: Mary, Larry, and the plate of death
fuzball: Al and his corn dog
fuzball: Cheese on a stick
fuzball: Veal at Wisc State Fair