fuzball: Babbling brook near the Inn
fuzball: Love angle
fuzball: Teepees near Taos
fuzball: Indian ponies near the Inn
fuzball: No dogs, no bears
fuzball: Come On In
fuzball: IMG_2084
fuzball: Taos clouds
fuzball: Taos intersection
fuzball: Taos horses
fuzball: Country Inn, Taos
fuzball: Horse pasture near the Inn, Taos
fuzball: Blooming Russian olive trees, Taos Country Inn
fuzball: Taos Country Inn garden
fuzball: Arroyo Seco truck
fuzball: IMG_2071
fuzball: Mountains near Taos
fuzball: Wrangler Kevin and Ace's head
fuzball: Marla on Ace at 12,000 feet
fuzball: Marla & Ace 12,000 ft 3
fuzball: Taos Ski Valley
fuzball: Taos Country Inn view
fuzball: Taos Country Inn trees
fuzball: Taos Country Inn view 2
fuzball: El Pueblo Lodge, Taos
fuzball: Near Taos
fuzball: RV park 2
fuzball: Earthships 1
fuzball: Taos Pueblo 1
fuzball: Taos Pueblo north 1