P'unk Ave: Justin working
P'unk Ave: old pine floor boards
P'unk Ave: the old floor
P'unk Ave: looking towards darien street side
P'unk Ave: taking up the old floor
P'unk Ave: DSCN0108.JPG
P'unk Ave: DSCN0109.JPG
P'unk Ave: DSCN0110.JPG
P'unk Ave: looking towards e. passyunk
P'unk Ave: silkscreened wallpaper peaking through
P'unk Ave: crazy pipes
P'unk Ave: heating pipes
P'unk Ave: closet around column
P'unk Ave: DSCN0116.JPG
P'unk Ave: Cabinets built from scraps
P'unk Ave: DSCN0118.JPG
P'unk Ave: beadboard ceiling
P'unk Ave: DSCN0120.JPG
P'unk Ave: baseboard trim
P'unk Ave: cabinets made from scrap
P'unk Ave: DSCN0123.JPG
P'unk Ave: column to beam
P'unk Ave: DSCN0125.JPG
P'unk Ave: Double Doors
P'unk Ave: DSCN0127.JPG
P'unk Ave: DSCN0128.JPG
P'unk Ave: stairs up
P'unk Ave: crazy stairs
P'unk Ave: column
P'unk Ave: DSCN0005.JPG