Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis -Sub-pleural fibrocalcific nodule (healed Ghon focus)
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Sub-pleural fibro-calcific nodule (healed Ghon focus) and emphysema
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Sub-pleural fibro-calcific nodule (healed Ghon focus) and thromboembolus
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Heavily calcified, healed focus of primary infection (Ghon focus)
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Ranke complex. Subpleural fibrocalcific nodule (black arrow) and thickened, scarred lymphatic vessel
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Ranke complex. Fibrocalcific lesion of peribronchial lymph node (red arow) and thickened, scarred lymphatic vessel (white arrow)
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Sub-pleural primary (Ghon) focus
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Ranke complex
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Sub-pleural tuberculoma
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculosis - Tuberculoma with cavitation
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis and tuberculous bronchopneumonia
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis - CT scan
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis with extensive tuberculous bronchopneumonia
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis, healed
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculous cavity, healed
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculous cavity, healed
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Tuberculous cavity, healed
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Aspergilloma in old tuberculous cavity
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Aspergilloma in old tuberculous cavity
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Cavitary tuberculosis with intracavitary hemorrhage
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Miliary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Lung - Miliary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Lung - Miliary tuberculosis
Pulmonary Pathology Society: Lung - Miliary tuberculosis