Puffles2010: Natalie Bennett on a visit to Cambridge
Puffles2010: Debbie Aitchison, Natalie Bennett of the Green Party, with Andreas Mitchell of Cambridge Lakes
Puffles2010: Cambridge Lakes
Puffles2010: Christ's College detail
Puffles2010: Tennis!
Puffles2010: IMG_0763_2
Puffles2010: Newnham College
Puffles2010: Baby horse chestnuts
Puffles2010: More Kings College Chapel
Puffles2010: The river Cam
Puffles2010: Cllr Anna Smith, Cambridge City Council - Maiden speech
Puffles2010: Roof detail of Kings College
Puffles2010: Kings Parade
Puffles2010: Esther & Martin McNeill
Puffles2010: Vikki Gavin of Fred's House
Puffles2010: Ellie Dixon at The Strawberry Fair 2015
Puffles2010: Sophie Winter & Ellie Dixon at Strawberry Fair
Puffles2010: CherryHintonSign
Puffles2010: The big red crane outside Cambridge Railway Station
Puffles2010: Jon Vale of the Cambridge News, with Puffles after election day 2015
Puffles2010: Kings College from the backs - HDR
Puffles2010: Kings College - just after their choir on the punts event
Puffles2010: Ladybirdgrub
Puffles2010: Newnham college - HDR
Puffles2010: Newnham college looking north
Puffles2010: Prosecco
Puffles2010: The big clock at St Pancras International
Puffles2010: The waterfall at Cherry Hinton Hall, Cambridge