Puffles2010: Puffles nabs the Mayor of Cambridge's throne
Puffles2010: Puffles at a Junior Chambers Cambridge event
Puffles2010: Puffles at the new Kings Cross mainline station
Puffles2010: Puffles with heart-shaped coffee at @HotNumbers in Cambridge
Puffles2010: Puffles at Culture Hack East, Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Puffles2010: Puffles & Toby Blume deciding what to have for lunch
Puffles2010: Now...which way should Puffles go?
Puffles2010: Puffles with Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson on Parliament's terrace
Puffles2010: Puffles with Sarah Louise
Puffles2010: Puffles studying complicated stuff
Puffles2010: Puffles at Cambridge Union
Puffles2010: Hypnotised by bubble lampshades
Puffles2010: Puffles at GovUK
Puffles2010: Puffles and Mog
Puffles2010: Puffles and posh coffee
Puffles2010: Puffles! Get down from there! They're reserved for top bankers!
Puffles2010: Puffles just after helping deliver a social media surgery for local charity
Puffles2010: Puffles with Rhammel Afflick of the UK Youth Parliament
Puffles2010: Puffles did manage to dodge Sarah's fist!
Puffles2010: Puffles after Teacamp in London
Puffles2010: Puffles on a newer Greater Anglia train
Puffles2010: Puffles en route to LocalGovCamp 2012 in Birmingham
Puffles2010: Puffles finds where they hid all the bricks needed for new housing
Puffles2010: Puffles with post-LocalGovcamp glass of wine
Puffles2010: Puffles with Lloyd Davis on the Uke
Puffles2010: The poshest coffee Puffles has ever had :-)
Puffles2010: Tiff all flustered and star-struck with local celebrity magic dragon
Puffles2010: ...and vice versa
Puffles2010: Puffles (*lands*) by Shappi Khorsandi at The Junction
Puffles2010: ...and again