Puffles2010: Puffles with baby dragon fairies
Puffles2010: Puffles is sure there's a stowaway on this bus
Puffles2010: Puffles at Mindtech
Puffles2010: How to train your dragon
Puffles2010: Puffles (*spots*) Easter egg
Puffles2010: Puffles trying to incubate an Easter egg
Puffles2010: Dragon fairy heaven?
Puffles2010: This man is made of jellybellies
Puffles2010: Puffles going to see Avenue Q
Puffles2010: Puffles in Arts Theatre Bar in Cambridge
Puffles2010: Too much rioja
Puffles2010: Post-pub post-theatre munchies & drinkies
Puffles2010: Puffles with Bestest Buddy's viola
Puffles2010: Puffles and a little dragon fairy outside the polling station
Puffles2010: Puffles at the ballot box
Puffles2010: Puffles with @JonWorth and @Frances_Coppola
Puffles2010: Puffles with Karen Melchior
Puffles2010: Puffles with Mark Henderson - author of Geek Manifesto
Puffles2010: Too much beer to choose from at Cambridge Beer Festival
Puffles2010: Puffles with Lib Dem councillor Belinda Brookes-Gordon
Puffles2010: Puffles with Lib Dem councillor Sarah Brown
Puffles2010: Puffles with Labour Councillor Carina O'Reilly
Puffles2010: Puffles with Sian Berry of the Campaign for Better Transport and Deputy Mayor of Cambridge Cllr Paul Saunders