puffinbytes: Farmer on while on the Road
puffinbytes: Cat at Marmaris
puffinbytes: Apple Tea at Marmaris
puffinbytes: Marmaris
puffinbytes: Leaving Marmaris
puffinbytes: Leaving Marmaris
puffinbytes: Cliffs
puffinbytes: Epaulet Skimmer - Orthetrum chrysostigma
puffinbytes: Dingy in tow
puffinbytes: Sheltered Bay where we snorkelled
puffinbytes: Sheltered Bay where we snorkelled
puffinbytes: Merchants showing their wares at Serce Limani
puffinbytes: Fishermen at Serce Limani
puffinbytes: Serce Lamani
puffinbytes: Serce Limani
puffinbytes: Sunset
puffinbytes: Loryma
puffinbytes: Loryma
puffinbytes: Starry Agama
puffinbytes: Tessellated Skipper - Muschampia tessellum
puffinbytes: Lizard (Lacerta oertzeni)
puffinbytes: Loryma
puffinbytes: Loryma
puffinbytes: Loryma
puffinbytes: Loryma
puffinbytes: More merchants
puffinbytes: The yacht
puffinbytes: Island in the Blue