little fluffy dots: food coop shopping
little fluffy dots: food coop shopping for week one
little fluffy dots: in front of food coop
little fluffy dots: an early riser
little fluffy dots: our luxurious breakfast
little fluffy dots: busy bear bee
little fluffy dots: busy bear bee
little fluffy dots: sunday brunch
little fluffy dots: 老人最愛吃飯喝茶看報紙
little fluffy dots: 示範如何包濱海(banh hoi)
little fluffy dots: lunch at an vietnamese restaurant
little fluffy dots: friday noon at the kitchen 368
little fluffy dots: friday noon at the kitchen 368
little fluffy dots: friday noon at the kitchen 368
little fluffy dots: friday noon at the kitchen 368
little fluffy dots: i can't afford to love NY
little fluffy dots: lou reed's faces are ALL gone
little fluffy dots: wall painting of a bike shop
little fluffy dots: free cereal samples
little fluffy dots: me & mr. mama
little fluffy dots: pizza party at kara's
little fluffy dots: 高談闊論到忘我的表情
little fluffy dots: cat family
little fluffy dots: pizza party at kara's
little fluffy dots: 流線造型的signs
little fluffy dots: martin kippenberger- the problem perspective
little fluffy dots: martin kippenberger- the problem perspective
little fluffy dots: martin kippenberger- the problem perspective
little fluffy dots: the MoMa sculpture garden