puddincat 'n' the king: much-hated staple gun
puddincat 'n' the king: what? i can't hear you!
puddincat 'n' the king: view from over here
puddincat 'n' the king: bricks, router, cement
puddincat 'n' the king: tools of the trade - or torture
puddincat 'n' the king: master electriKing
puddincat 'n' the king: indecent exposure: wiring monster in the basement
puddincat 'n' the king: wiring monster, modest pose
puddincat 'n' the king: pencil intersects wire
puddincat 'n' the king: king's artful wiring
puddincat 'n' the king: future kitchen finally gets drywall
puddincat 'n' the king: that's where the stove and fridge will go
puddincat 'n' the king: our future kitchen