puckles: Last shot of Floyd as a Single Man
puckles: Rolling out the runner... Bride's Limo arrives
puckles: Gold and Black Rolls Royce Limo - SWEET touch
puckles: Jenn and Her Father
puckles: Wacky Double Exposure
puckles: Big Moment...
puckles: Floyd and Jenn Did
puckles: vows
puckles: The Bride
puckles: Behind the Scenes
puckles: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Walters
puckles: Jenn and the Boys
puckles: Save Your Fork, There's Cake!
puckles: Give Us Some Cake and No One Gets Hurt
puckles: The Wedding Boots
puckles: The In-Laws
puckles: Floyd and Jenn Walters 10.04.03
puckles: DRUNK AS A MO FO!
puckles: GET DOWN MO FO!
puckles: Shots from Floyd and Jenn's Wedding