public workshop: The Sunshine School
public workshop: A typical bathroom
public workshop: P1010023_3
public workshop: stagehallwayceilingtiles
public workshop: brokenboyssink
public workshop: Making plans
public workshop: P1010004_11
public workshop: Rehabbing the furniture
public workshop: P1010087
public workshop: P1010018_4
public workshop: Rebranding the school
public workshop: Repainting the gym
public workshop: Beginning to rebuild the school
public workshop: The Sunshine Tigers
public workshop: Rebuilding the bleachers
public workshop: The new entrance to the school
public workshop: shedmuralangle_1
public workshop: brokenlockers
public workshop: meandthekids
public workshop: Making picture frames to show off their work
public workshop: Celebrating their work
public workshop: Some of the great students