publiclandsday1: 20 NPLD Leadership poses with SCA Volunteers
publiclandsday1: 87 NPLD CCC Alumni Burton Ulmer - a PRWI CCCer
publiclandsday1: 07 NPLD Opening Ceremonies
publiclandsday1: 01 NPLD Banner at Cabin Camp 3
publiclandsday1: 90 NPLD Dep Director Lynn Scarlett and Supt Hickman
publiclandsday1: 09 NPLD Supt Bob Hickman
publiclandsday1: 84 NPLD Joan Sharpe and Walter Atwood w WVA Corps Ntwrk Vol
publiclandsday1: 70 NPLD Former PA Senator Harris Wofford 2
publiclandsday1: 69 NPLD Former PA Senator Harris Wofford
publiclandsday1: 67 NPLD Corps Network President Sally Prouty
publiclandsday1: 64 NPLD Raffle
publiclandsday1: 19 NPLD PRWI Asst Supt George Liffert give directions
publiclandsday1: NPLD Opening Ceremony Toyota Motor Sales Alva Adams-Mason
publiclandsday1: NPLD NEEF Director Diane Wood
publiclandsday1: NPLD NPS Deputy Director Lindi Harvey 2
publiclandsday1: NPLD NPS Deputy Director Lindi Harvey 1
publiclandsday1: NPLD DOI Deputy Secretary Lynn Scarlett
publiclandsday1: NPLD CCC Alumni & NPLD Speakers copy
publiclandsday1: NPLD Open Ceremony Cabin Camp 3 Prince William Forest Pa
publiclandsday1: NPLD Scouts during opening ceremony
publiclandsday1: NPLD Green Car
publiclandsday1: NPLD Volunteers
publiclandsday1: Ceremonial Tree and vip diggers
publiclandsday1: Preparing for the Ceremonial Tree Planting 2
publiclandsday1: Preparing for the Ceremonial Tree Planting
publiclandsday1: NPLD CCC Legacy Membership Meeting
publiclandsday1: NPLD Tracy Adams and NPS Laura Cohen
publiclandsday1: NPLD Volunteers Sydney B John S and Virginia E
publiclandsday1: Volunteers Enjoy lunch at NPLD 5
publiclandsday1: Volunteers Enjoy lunch at NPLD 4