publicenergy: Chinese New Year [106/365]
publicenergy: Out in to the cold
publicenergy: Tricky Elevator
publicenergy: Winter Gardens
publicenergy: Playing with the balls (again)
publicenergy: I'm assured this one isn't Welsh
publicenergy: Wear the fox hat
publicenergy: Dev Cat WC
publicenergy: Dev Cat JD
publicenergy: Some Sheffield Flickrers
publicenergy: Backfields
publicenergy: Waiting for the train, a pigeon flew in to the kitchen
publicenergy: Showroom
publicenergy: Winter Gardens
publicenergy: Winter Gardens Vanishing Point
publicenergy: View from the Winter Gardens
publicenergy: Locked up
publicenergy: Partial Group Shot
publicenergy: What The?
publicenergy: Bungalows and Bears
publicenergy: Cold start