The Public Domain Review: Ceanothus arboreus -- Tree Myrtle
The Public Domain Review: Dalea spinosa -- Dalea
The Public Domain Review: Gleditschia triacanthos -- Honey Locust
The Public Domain Review: Liriodendron Tulipifern -- Tulip Tree or White-wood
The Public Domain Review: Pletanus occidentalis -- Sycamore or Button-wood
The Public Domain Review: Pyrus rivularis -- Oregon Crab Apple
The Public Domain Review: Quercus rubra -- Red Oak
The Public Domain Review: Sassafras officinale -- Sassafras
The Public Domain Review: Asimina triloba -- Papaw
The Public Domain Review: Broussonelia papyrifera -- Paper Mulberry
The Public Domain Review: Castaneavesca, Var Amer. -- Chestnut
The Public Domain Review: Jaglans nigra -- Black Walnut
The Public Domain Review: Juglans cinerea -- Butternut
The Public Domain Review: Platanus racemosa -- California Sycamore
The Public Domain Review: Platanus Wrightii -- Arizona Sycamore
The Public Domain Review: Prosopis juliflora -- Mesquit
The Public Domain Review: Quercus coccinea -- Scarlet Oak
The Public Domain Review: Quercus digitata -- Finger Oak
The Public Domain Review: Quercus Michauxii -- Basket Oak
The Public Domain Review: Quercus Muhlenbergii -- Chinquapin Oak
The Public Domain Review: Quercus obtusiloba -- Post Oak
The Public Domain Review: Quercus Prinus -- Rock Oak
The Public Domain Review: Rhus Typhina -- Sumach or Stag-horn
The Public Domain Review: Sequoia gigantea -- Big Tree, Giant Redwood
The Public Domain Review: Thuja gigantea -- Pacific Arborvitae
The Public Domain Review: Vitis aestivalis -- Summer Grape
The Public Domain Review: Washingtonia filamentosa -- California Fan Palm