ptenwal: PG throws a party!
ptenwal: PG throws a party!
ptenwal: PG throws a party!
ptenwal: Back to Ohio
ptenwal: Dalmation
ptenwal: Looking up the power line run.
ptenwal: End of the power line run.
ptenwal: Looking up the power line run.
ptenwal: Ants Eating a Beatle
ptenwal: Looking out & over the power line run.
ptenwal: Brikes in the woods.
ptenwal: Waterfall and WV nature, NEAT.
ptenwal: Rock City
ptenwal: Rock City
ptenwal: Chris riding through Rock City
ptenwal: Brikes & Nature
ptenwal: Big Dog having brike troubles.
ptenwal: Henry Clay Furnace
ptenwal: Lets go Mtn. Briking!
ptenwal: Thumbs up shuttle!
ptenwal: Shuttle service.
ptenwal: Coopers Rock State Forest.
ptenwal: Roadside Bouldering.
ptenwal: Park Entrance Road.
ptenwal: Cheat Lake
ptenwal: Road Trip
ptenwal: Road Trip
ptenwal: WV Take Me Home, Highway Roads.
ptenwal: PAO!