ptenwal: VID_20150926_152200293[1]
ptenwal: VID_20150926_152114575[1]
ptenwal: Spiral
ptenwal: Shannon Winning All The Medals
ptenwal: Dog!
ptenwal: Waiting for a race section.
ptenwal: Race Start
ptenwal: "Merica" #420
ptenwal: Tents
ptenwal: Jalopy
ptenwal: Barges on the Ohio River
ptenwal: The Yacht Club
ptenwal: The Yacht Club
ptenwal: Incinerator
ptenwal: Smoke Stack
ptenwal: Incinerator
ptenwal: Incinerator
ptenwal: Under the railroad bridge.
ptenwal: Drainage Tunnel
ptenwal: Brikes
ptenwal: KANTUCKEE
ptenwal: Looking into Ohio
ptenwal: Cincinnati
ptenwal: Tacos
ptenwal: There, I fixed it...
ptenwal: USA
ptenwal: 'Merica
ptenwal: "Brake"