ptenwal: Delaware Water Gap
ptenwal: Superfund Ridge
ptenwal: Faune
ptenwal: Faune
ptenwal: Superfund Ridge
ptenwal: Climbing out of Palmerton
ptenwal: Climbing out of Palmerton
ptenwal: Knifes Edge.
ptenwal: Rocksylvania "Pennsylvania"
ptenwal: Even the trees are rocky in PA.
ptenwal: Medium Rocky Trail
ptenwal: Extra Heavy Rocky Trail / Scramble
ptenwal: Dan's Pulpit
ptenwal: Dinner
ptenwal: Hot, Tired, Hungry, waiting on dinner.
ptenwal: If only all of PA trail looked like this.
ptenwal: Ferns
ptenwal: The Pinnacle
ptenwal: The Pinnacle
ptenwal: View of PA farmlands from the Pinnacle
ptenwal: Rock pile on the Pinnacle
ptenwal: The Pulpit
ptenwal: Sunset outside Port Clinton
ptenwal: Game Land Road
ptenwal: Boulder Field, looks oddly like the rest of the trail?
ptenwal: First View in PA?
ptenwal: Light Rocky Trail
ptenwal: Heavy Rocky Trail
ptenwal: Iron Bridge
ptenwal: Meadows